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В коллективной монографии, состоящей из 4-х частей, рассматривается широкий круг вопросов по проблемам устойчивого развития горных территорий Кавказа. Boyko The paper considers the problem of defining the influence of actual conditions of elastic deformations in seismic waves in the conditions of changing tensions under uniform compression in anisotropic mediums and in dynamic mode of load application on the speed of body seismic waves. Mechanism of the enterprise information architecture modeling Gumenyuk N. In the second part of the thesis, a set of exercises for teaching technical translation is provided to be used by teachers in technical English translation classrooms.

Aleksey Batan-Shmatko. Sergey Kovalevskiy. В нынешнем году — 70 лет со дня выдачи на гора первой тонны карналитовой руды на этом предприятии. To browse Academia. Need an account? Download Free PDF. Lev Bonikowski. State regulation of economic development Kushch L. Монография подготовлена коллективом авторов по материалам Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий: история и предпосылки оптимизации природопользования», состоявшейся в г. Institutional support of the new industrialization in the format of global indices Shestov S. Click here to sign up.

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ISBN Страницы истории: Сб. IT-management of the industrial development conceptual provisions, analysis of the agroindustrial branch in the DPR Belopolskaya T. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. In the fourth type of intersection, the set of common points R and r is empty do not intersect. Mechanism of the enterprise information architecture modeling Gumenyuk N. The paper substantiates the key role of the opening-up system of opencast in the structure of the mining and technical systems for achieving sustainable development goals of the mining operations. It demands the development of the new approaches and the management principles of work of the mining operations based on coordination of economic targets with the purposes in the field of ecology and social development. Objects: mining operations, mining and technical systems, opening-up system of opencast. Studying the paradigm of the coal mining enterprises restructuring Polshkov Yu. IT-management of the industrial development the management with the use of modern computer technologies, development of tools for building data analytics systems for the agroindustrial complex of the DPR Lepa R. The influence of labor potential on the operating results of the enterprise Zaitseva N.

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    Бурный рост добычи сланцевого газа и нефти плотных коллекторов в США, сопровождаемый ростом эффективности и снижением себестоимости, привёл к кардинальным изменениям в распределении мировых рыночных ролей, ускорил технологические прорывы на всех энергетических направлениях и приблизил возможность перехода к чистому и устойчивому развитию человеческой цивилизации. Грозный сентября г. The relevance. Коллективная монография представляет интерес для широкого круга научных сотрудников и специалистов. The legal regulation of the compulsory social insurance for temporary occupational incapacity due to maternity Sinitsyna K. In the conditions of unstable external environment, upon transition from one development stage to another, subsystems of mining operations have to submit to the purpose of ensuring steady functioning of the enterprise — providing output streams with the set parameters. International experience of logistics business-processes at the machine-building enterprises Polyakov E. Может быть использована в учебном процессе студентами, аспирантами и преподавателями университетов. Type of crossing of coal waste dumps by geodynamical dangerous zones. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. The systematization of the sustainable functioning and development principles of the mining operations and their systems were carried out, four groups of principles were highlighted: system-wide principles of management, development principles of the mining operations, development principles of mining and technical systems, development principles of the subsystems of mining and technical systems. She gives recommendations on how a right option of translation of a particular technical term should be found. IT-management of the industrial development the management with the use of modern computer technologies, development of tools for building data analytics systems for the agroindustrial complex of the DPR Lepa R.

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  • Если взять за исходный рубеж дату начала строительства Первого калийного рудника в Березниках, то в году этому событию исполнится 85 лет. Typification can be used when choosing places for dumping and computer modeling of their thermal state. The systematization of the sustainable functioning and development principles of the mining operations and their systems were carried out, four groups of principles were highlighted: system-wide principles of management, development principles of the mining operations, development principles of mining and technical systems, development principles of the subsystems of mining and technical systems. Третья часть монографии посвящена социально-экономическим и правовым аспектам устойчивого развития горных территорий. Methodological basis for forming the resource saving mechanism at an enterprise Sarkisyan L. Монография подготовлена коллективом авторов по материалам Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием «Устойчивое развитие горных территорий: история и предпосылки оптимизации природопользования», состоявшейся в г. Viktor Boiko. Может быть использована в учебном процессе студентами, аспирантами и преподавателями университетов. She gives recommendations on how a right option of translation of a particular technical term should be found. Керимов, В. The scientific journal Economic Research Institute Journal was founded in Aleksey Batan-Shmatko. Mechanism of the enterprise information architecture modeling Gumenyuk N. It demands the development of the new approaches and the management principles of work of the mining operations based on coordination of economic targets with the purposes in the field of ecology and social development. The paper substantiates the key role of the opening-up system of opencast in the structure of the mining and technical systems for achieving sustainable development goals of the mining operations. The author presents her own methodology of translating words of art with regard to scientific articles on mining. The possibilities of using blockchain technology in digital marketing Vasileva N. The main aim of the research is to form sustainable development concept of mining and technical systems in transitional periods of open pit mining based on systematization of the existing principles of sustainable development in the mining industry. Information support of the competitiveness of the innovation economy Bespyataya M. International experience of logistics business-processes at the machine-building enterprises Polyakov E.

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  • Керимов, В. The intersection of the third type occurs at any ratio of R and r, but the common area overlaps the geodynamically dangerous zone only partially touch. Снытко, В. Stochastic methodology for estimating the rates of investment and innovation development in the system of regional economic management Boldyrev K. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Typification can be used when choosing places for dumping and computer modeling of their thermal state. IT-management of the industrial development conceptual provisions, analysis of the agroindustrial branch in the DPR Belopolskaya T. Дорогие женщины. Need an account? Conceptual principles of optimizing the enterprise activity on the basis of the architectural approach Kosenko U. IT-management of the industrial development the management with the use of modern computer technologies, development of tools for building data analytics systems for the agroindustrial complex of the DPR Lepa R.